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Welcome to the IECL website. Take a tour and we hope to see you soon during our regular Sunday service.


Warm greetings from the IECL pastors and Leadership Team. May our great God bless you and keep you throughout this year. And may you be willing to be used by Him to bless others. At the IECL we value the contributions of everyone. So let us help you to find a place to serve.

“Zebra Zeal Sunday” is a new type of interactive service taking place on the 4th Sunday of the month. It is prepared by our women leaders with a focus on prayer, testimonies and worship.


The “Bring & Share” aperitif after the service takes place every 1st Sunday of the month. A great time for fellowship and get to know each other. Bring along a contribution of food – simple but delicious! – and enough to share.


The Friday Home Group continues to meet twice a month in Epalinges or Belmont (normally on the first and third Friday of the month). The next meetings will be: March 7 and 21.


You can find more details about the program here: